Sunday, October 5, 2008


You know, I don't care who you vote for - as long as you participate in the process. Whenever I hear someone bemoaning this politician or that policy - I sometimes ask, "Who did you vote for"? If the answer is anyone - we can continue the conversation. If they say they didn't vote - the conversation is over.

My journey into politics has been a rocky one. I didn't vote - at one time - because I was too busy enjoying the fruits of the labors of those that came before me (namely my aunts, uncles - and especially my mother and father). As time has marched on - however - I've come to realize that these gifts aren't eternal. There are those who think the choices we have, the freedoms we enjoy, the lifestyle that we cherish are there forever - never to disappear or be in jeopardy. However, there are those that think that we are still unequal, inferior, unintelligent and just plain ignorant - and therefore we need to be ruled, set aside, put in our place.

It is for that primary reason that we need to continue the fight for equality, to challenge misconceptions and push for the rights we currently enjoy to continue. Voting is not the only way to do it - but it is a powerful tool to use in the fight.

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